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Summer Ponderings
July 2003
Eric Cooper

I have read Confucius suggested that the greatest fortune of a people would be to keep ignorant persons from public office, and secure their wisest men to rule them. As educators and citizens we attempt to lead those who will lead for the betterment of society. Yet "too soon we extinguish the flame of our hope and our reverence" to that driven by despair and disbelief. Summer begins a process whereby renewal abounds. Can we not "light the candles again" and shout to those who will hear, that we will use the time for renewal of vigor, for memories of the heart, for opportunities that allow our thoughts to lead to a broader humanization of our knowledge?

Recent events in our country suggest a renewal -- one which may be led by educators and concerned citizens on behalf of the nation. Will you lead those who have been dulled to renewed radiance? Will you strive for deeper clarity and knowledge through reading and study that broadens your comprehension for those you serve and advocate?

Consider summer not as an opportunity for the painful accumulation of facts and isolated knowlege, but as an "ennobling intimacy with great ideas," which may allow the development of an individual to reach the fullest of potential so that all may develop a love for our world through the students, teachers, parents and communities we serve.

We ask that each understand the deeper purposes of the work. This is not solely about making a living, but of joining a mission. We honor the commiment.

Eric Cooper
NUA President

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