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Reading the Signposts

The National Urban Alliance for Effective Education (NUA) knows that schools committed to improving student outcomes fearlessly determine the current state of the school and deliberately enable deep analysis, cross-constituent dialogue and joint action planning to improve practice with the goal of becoming a Mediative Learning Community.

Using a Research-Based, Multifaceted Approach

NUA employs a research-based, multifaceted Instructional Assessment Process that includes school background questionnaires, principal interviews, examination of existing achievement data, teacher surveys, student surveys and classroom visits that uncover a school story and help determine areas of focus for transformation.

Owning the Data

NUA uses a series of protocols that enable school members (administrators, teachers, students and families) to participate in the analysis, dialogue and action planning that they crave and that schools need to move forward the agenda of improvement. The protocols are replicable, which allows schools to continue using them independently after experiencing the entire process. NUA representatives train a school’s leadership team to oversee ongoing use of the protocols.

Connecting to the Pedagogy of Confidence™ – Are We There Yet?

NUA’s Instructional Assessment Process incorporates instruments that draw upon the principles and beliefs of the Pedagogy of Confidence and that enable schools to determine where they are in relation to implementation of the seven high-operational practices of the Pedagogy of Confidence.  The processes used for analysis and setting a plan of action employ highly generative strategies that are based on neuroscience and cognitive science. The strategies encourage engagement, spur thinking and promote collaboration.

AIM for Success

NUA’s Instructional Assessment Process AIMS for success. Affirmation, Inspiration and Mediation are the values that support each aspect of the process. The Instructional Assessment Process engages instruments and activities that affirm a school’s current state of affairs and constituents’ perspectives; inspires collaborative dialogue and visioning; and mediates a school’s efforts to improve practice.

Choose the Data Option That Is Best For Your School

Schools may choose from among several data collection options.  They can participate in the entire Instructional Assessment Process, which uses all of the instruments available, or they can select particular features.Trained NUA staff members consult with each school to help determine the best option. They are on-site to pilot school leaders and staff through the process, assist in developing a plan to take next steps, and prepare the school to continue independently using the process.

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